i like to do experiments. most of the time i did it with human - woman to be exact.
i like to play the game called leave n' watch. the rule is simple : choose a girl, pour her tremendous attention, make her want you until her future no long fit for anyone else to enter.
then, slowly cut your attention. loose the tie to communicate. let her fly as free as a free creature freeing from the free itself. and at the end she will lost her trust to you. of course will be the perfect time to make her dump you. but at first she will be reluctant to let you go. on the basis of hope she believe that she can change you or herself. therefore, this experiment requires you to learn hope-cancellation technique.
most of the time i succeed.
after a few times, the subject return to claim default factory setting. five out of five sample has acquired some permanent damage on thier body, two of them however turn up to be nicer-than-bitch. a little twist here and there and walla, reset button found!. ones i push that button, they'll be good as default and there you go, problem fixed.
i dont know why some people go mad when they broke up. its fun, you should try it. i promise you it will be waaay cooler than bungee jumping.
(i claim responsibility for what I've done and wrote. do leave a comment. FYI, this is also an experiment). notice that i didn't use the 'L' word?