

sapa ada video itu???

if you are talking bout the look-alike video, an intel me told that 'they' feared the 50-50 turnout in this coming election, so they staged a video just to provoke pakatan members. this is part of the momentum buildup for next ge. not for sarawak election because they are quite liberal about sex.

sit tight and relax, more absurd things coming up. the older they get, the less creative they become. sad thing is, they are too old to kill each other and we are the victim of this absurdity.

so if you are a pakatan members, you might have a chance to watch it.

note : Pakatan lost 300k vote to BN in 12th GE.



Kekuatan UMNO itu terbina kerana adanya PAS. UMNO terus relevan di mata MCA dan MIC kerana wujud kebimbangan terhadap politik Islam yang dibawa oleh PAS. Persoalannya, jika DAP boleh berdamping dengan PAS, apakah keberatan yang dihadapi oleh MIC dan MCA? apakah UMNO memberi manfaat kepada mereka dari segi ekonomi? Jika ya, tidakkah pelik orang melayu memberi duit kepada orang cina? PAS ada dari sekecil2 tadika hinggalah dewan persidangan - sendiri, dari duit derma dan kutipan - bukan duit kerajaan. UMNO pula hanya ada PWTC yang namanya ENGLISH bersepadan dengan UMNO dan dananya tidak tahu datang dari mana.

Bukan tarikh kekalahan BN atau keburukan mereka yang perlu disuluh disini, tetapi realiti. Jika anda seorang cina MCA atau india MIC, apakah yang anda mahukan dari saya sebagai ganti anda menyokong saya dalam pilihanraya?

Sebelum anda menjawab, saya teringat sebuah buku bertajuk "Bumi Dipijak Milik Orang" yang dibuat khas bagi mengumpul ucapan-ucapan pemimpin UMNO di dalam sesebuah persidangan atau upacara rasmi.

Saya tak pasti sama ada pengarang mahu memberi sedikit jenaka dalam tajuknya atau beliau benar-benar serius dalam memilih tajuk itu. Bagi saya, pengarang seumpama memiliki satu keajaiban cekap yang berupaya menjadi magis ketika diperlukan.


young grads sell bodies for easy money

Young grads sell bodies for easy money

By Wong Pek Mei, A.Raman and Allison Lai

Selling bodies has become a common trade in today’s society. The moral value of new generation has been decreasing ever since the cost of living increase although efforts of instilling values through education has been put up by many parties such as the government, parents and society itself.

This issue has signified nothing but failures of the various parties and the individual as well to fulfill their responsibilities of roles. The root of the problem is caused by high cost of living, fast forward moving world and easy currency. It has becoming more and more materialize to achieve the power of money as today’s society have shown that money is everything by idolizing branded things, corrupted leaders with pocket full of money and excessive advertisements of today’s needs. Apart from that, the development of the internet has further exacerbated the condition by being an advantageous medium in selling their bodies.

The expansion of the internet has been the measure of today’s advanced world. It is beneficial to the society in terms of providing vast knowledge to us as well as source of income to some of the society. Some of them feed their self interest in gaining lucrative income through social networking such as selling obscene photos of themselves and offering massage services. This trend is bad for the societal development as it would grow into uncivilized society because of the immorality and unethical portrayed by some of the money hungry people. Apart from that, the new generation would be lack of responsibility in fulfilling their obligations as responsible individual but rather be an individualistic and self-absorbed person. This would lead to more corrupted people running the country and oppression to people’s right when their rights of having better life are being taken away from them.

Intellectual has been demeaned to lower level since money has become the chief target of these young grads and this shows that the education system is not doing at its best to provide morale education to the students. However, education can mean informal and forma education. In terms of informal education, the responsibility lies on the parents and individuals whereas for formal education, the burden of teaching lies on the government efforts to provide the most effective education system to its people. Apart from that, government policies regarding the internet or technology could also affect the young grads. As an illustration, lenient action against those who commit deviant in cyber world has led to this byproduct.

Parents are also responsible in playing a pivotal role in instilling moral values in the children. According to Freud, the most crucial age for children to develop their habits is at the age of one to six, indicating that this is the period where they would absorb most of their habit


menjadi subjek dalam ceramah

anda pernah mendengar ceramah?
berada dalam kumpulan orang yang ramai.
dalam surau atau masjid.
menunggu habis tapi berisi.
lalu didengar seluruhnya.
ada yang lawak
ada sinis
ada cerita,
cerita anda,
buat renungan orang lain.

anda tak selesa,
ingin lekas keluar,
tapi terlalu jelas,
anda takut malu,
tapi bukan perbuatan itu,
perbuatan memalukan,
bukan takut melakukan,
tapi takut dimalukan.

seperti berada dibawah mikroskop,
anda telanjang,
di bawah mata-mata besar,
diteliti mana cela dan hodohnya,

anda melihat warga ceramah,
mereka jelas memahami lawaknya,
tapi anda murung,
ada awan hitam berkepul,
bersama ruang gelap dan kecil,
seperti ada belenggu besar,
mahu jatuh atas kepala.

kemudian dia beralih tajuk,
anda lega sebentar,
anda berfikir dalam,
kemudian ia masuk ke bawah sedar,
dan menusuk pangkal hati

anda merasa seperti dirasuk,
satu perkara aneh.

aneh kerana mimpi-mimpi,
hanya terasa himpitan keras,
bukan lagi imej-imej kejam,
yang dulu pernah memberi peringatan,

anda gagal membuka mata.
tidak ada upaya bernafas,
dalam dunia hitam legam,
tiada yang hadir memberi pertolongan

anda lelah,
ibarat terpasung,
kemudian dipaksakan mencari cahaya.